How to treat gastric motility disorders in dogs and cats

The review by two leading names in gastroenterology, Husnik and Gaschen, listed what strategies may be applicable to date in cases of stomach dysfunctionality.

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, byGiulia Pignataro
Gastric emptying (GE) is a complex process, regulated and influenced by numerous physiological, dietary, pharmacological and pathological factors. Abnormal GE is associated with clinical signs, such as vomiting, anorexia, nausea, pain, and abdominal distension, which negatively impact quality of life. Proper diagnosis and treatment of any underlying disease that may adversely affect gastrointestinal motility is a prerequisite. The review of 2022 by two leading names in gastroenterology, Husnik and Gaschen, listed what strategies may be applicable to date in cases of stomach dysfunctionality. Diet modifications are an essential part of ...
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